Reduce stimulant downsides

Designed to take with stimulants to support sleep, mood and brain health

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Don't just take our word for it.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee on First Order Patented Ingredients Proven Dosages All Natural Vitamins & Adaptogens Non-GMO 30 Day Money Back Guarantee on First Order Patented Ingredients Proven Dosages All Natural Vitamins & Adaptogens Non-GMO
30 Day Money Back Guarantee on First Order Patented Ingredients Proven Dosages All Natural Vitamins & Adaptogens Non-GMO 30 Day Money Back Guarantee on First Order Patented Ingredients Proven Dosages All Natural Vitamins & Adaptogens Non-GMO

What To Expect

Hours: Less Crash

Adaptogens help support the body’s natural stress response.

Days: Better Sleep

Your Circadian rhythm is supported, leading to restful sleep.

Weeks: Steadier Mood

Maintain a healthy dopamine system and balanced mood.

Months: Better Brain Health

Powerful antioxidants support healthy cellular function.

Recommended by top health experts and performers

Dr. Gabrielle Lyon

Doctor of Functional Medicine

"I work with CEOs, celebrities, and other top performers in my practice, and when they rely on stimulants I always recommend Stasis.

Stasis has potent antioxidants and adaptogens to support healthy cortisol levels, combat free radicals, and balance oxidative stress."

All day support, from Day to Night.


  • Balance Mood
  • Combat Jitters
  • Support Focus


  • Fights Stress
  • Supports Sleep
  • Neuroprotective

Your brain,

Your brain, balanced.